My Writings. My Thoughts.

BALIK kampung MUAR

On » Wednesday, August 12, 2009 //
Huh, seminggu lebih kampus UTHM ditutup.. agak2 nyer mesti boring duk rumah.. hahaha.. balik nanti boleh lar aku merempit kat jalan bp-muar utk hilangkan tension..
minggu nie rase something wrong x kene.. ntah lar agak2nyer ape yang akan berlaku selepas nie..
mungkin sebab aku kene berubah, mungkin juga sebab aku kene betulkan keadaan..
hurm.. aku lah org yang balik last skali. tutup pintu bilik, tutup tingkap, lampu. sebagai langkah keselamatan.. hahaha.. bilik G4B-001 kolej kediaman tun dr ismail UTHM.. bilik mcm pejabat +stor+mcm2 ade..
i see... i will
transform to be better from tomorror, maybe i want someone caring to me and maybe i want someone to be my idol. what happen to my life just now is it take time to understand cause i not same with another people. i want excellent one day, i want my parents happy and proud because their my parent.
actually, i remember about last tragedy who happen to me. it show to me how the effect to my future life. may ALLAH protect me again.. salam ..

3 Response to "BALIK kampung MUAR"

Unknown Says:

rempit giler moto ko nouvic,,,,mmmm

n a r d indie winkie Says:

hoh..beso nye moto. ni moto ko ek?? hehe.. what's wrong with you? need to share problem?

Unknown Says:

to nard--->it happen to me last semester and i did't forgot the situation. sometimes make me doing mistake again and again.. terlalu byk nk ckp.aku nie susah sgt nk share kat org lain.. huk3.. thanx again to nard sebab ambik berat tang aku..
to afend---> nie motorsikal mamat mane aku pinjam..hahaha.. naik sem nanti aku bwk balik ke kolej.. itupon lau jumpe lg mamat nie..

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