My Writings. My Thoughts.

To UTHM student. please judge my work ..

On » Sunday, October 04, 2009 //

Final work before submitted to faculty of science, arts and heritage .
the banner will be used for competition if i won the best design.

5 Response to "To UTHM student. please judge my work .."

kojah Says:

bg aku dh cukup cntik dh...

Unknown Says:

ia akan bertambah cantik dengan kehadiran gambar saya di tepi logo uthm 2...

Unknown Says:

thanx bg pandangan yg bernas afend.. muke ko memang leh wat iklan.. hahaha

n a r d indie winkie Says:

wah.. ko ke yg design? tak sgka ada bakat terpendam jugak ko ni. semoga berjaya la nuar. nnti menang belanja aku. eh, aku ada utang tag dgn ko. hampir2 terlupa.

Unknown Says:

haha.. jgn lupe tag daripada aku.. :p

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